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"Beyond You,
Because of You"

What is "Beyond You, Because of You"?

  1. How you live your life: Living with the awareness of "Beyond You, Because of You" means considering the long-term effects of your actions. It involves making decisions not just based on immediate gratification but also on how they might impact others and future generations. This could involve choices related to sustainability, ethical behavior, and personal growth.
  2. How you impact others: Every interaction and decision has the potential to influence others in profound ways. By embodying the principles of "Beyond You, Because of You," you strive to leave a positive impact on those around you. This could be through acts of kindness, mentorship, or simply leading by example in living a purposeful and values-driven life.
  3. How what you do and how you live matters for generations: Understanding the interconnectedness of all beings and the impact of our actions on future generations underscores the importance of mindful living. Each decision made with the awareness of "Beyond You, Because of You" contributes to shaping a better world for those who come after us. Whether it's addressing environmental concerns, promoting social justice, or fostering innovation, your actions ripple through time, influencing the world that future generations will inherit.
  4. How your legacy reverberates like an echo: Just as an echo rings long after the initial sound, your legacy continues to shape the world even after you're gone. Embracing "Beyond You, Because of You" means considering the kind of legacy you want to leave behind and actively working towards it. Whether it's through the values you instill in your children, the projects you initiate, or the causes you champion, your legacy echoes through the lives of others for generations to come.
  5. "Beyond You, Because of You" serves as activation for your enhavim, purpose and mission led by vision as a guiding principle for living an enhavim-driven life, where your actions are motivated not just by personal gain but by a deep sense of responsibility towards others and the world at large.

Design Your Decade with Decade Intelligence Design and the DI Designer to masterfully create value "Beyond You, Because of You".